Monday, February 28, 2005

The things that ruin life...

To start off with...
one thing that does not ruin my life...and that would be....FREE BUTTER BURGERS....Yes, I said it. Free Butter Burgers from Culver's was the prize on saturday night since the rivermen scored 5 goals. It was very nice. However, the trip up there is one thing that just cuts me real deep

and drum roll please....

#1. SLOW a sense, this is my fault, for starters, we took 2 cars up there to peoria and we didn't have anyone's cell phone number that was in the other car...and vice we are traveling along, i'm leading the way and all of the sudden, i realize...."Where is Kyle????" we lost him...he had not kept up to speed w/ the incredible intrepid..(catchy phrase, i know)...we slowed down to at least 50 at some points with cars racing past us. It was my fault to think of it cause i didn't keep an eye on his car, kinda figured he would keep up with the lead car....but, he didn't, long story short....kyle should learn to step on it. That and for everyone that would ever go on any trip, exchange cell phone numbers...i mean, we spent an hour trying to find out what his number was by calling many people....finally after we got to Culver's, he called us and said he had turned back about 20 miles out of peoria....i felt so bad, he couldn't enjoy a butter, we took some back to him and con...

#2. SNOW.....not just any snow, but snow on spring break! sucks the most.....not happy when i woke up and saw a dusting of the white stuff on the ground. However, i noticed earlier tonight as i was walking into my night class at UIS, that i havent' sat down and just watched the snow fall. I wonder as life goes on, how many things will i miss out on just cause i don't take 5 min. to stop and look around.

#3. A&W ROOT BEER IS CLOSING!!!!!!!!!!!! I know in my previous blog that i mentioned how a&w was closing and supposively remodeling........WRONG! i found out today that it is getting turned into a Verizon store. It makes me want to lay down in front of the de-construction and picket the whole thing. it hurts to see a beautiful thing be turned into a cell phone store, as if lincoln doesn't have enough of those, just like they don't have enough car washes or gas stations....OH THE AGONY!!!!!!!

#4. no, thats it, no #4, played you out on that one....haha...

Anyways, it frustrates me to realize that these things are going on in my life....why, why must it all happen????

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Time-it goes fast...

Today as I walked to the Chapel, i notice the little ditch that runs next to titus and how the water that had flooded the southern end of the Jordan River was not there anymore. Now I remember that yester day it seemed like there had been quite a bit of water standing there. Had it warmed up that much in 24 hours that all of the water had simply evaperated???
I thought to myself as i continued on my way that time goes by so fast even if we don't want to keep up with it, it goes on. Further more into this thought, I realized how i need to slow down in my life and look around once in awhile...because if i don't...everything around me will be dried up before i get a chance to notice it.

As my day went on, I realized how much i need spring break. and how much spring break needs me. There are many things to do and so much relaxing time too. I am thinking how dearly i will enjoy sleeping in and then going over to the office after taking my sweet time and thinking of how i really don't have to be here, but am relax and get money...and cause i do love my job. It is great, so many things that have potential in the office. So much learning to be done...

Tonight was amazing. Here it was....Peoria Rivermen....Hockey....the first night of the rest of my life...actually, just the start of spring break and a kick-off by going to a rivermen game to relax.

The rivermen sucked the first period. There was no way to describe it other than that they sucked big time that first period.....but oh ho ho (devilish laugh) the second period the rivermen scored an amazing 5 goals! 2 of which were short-hand goals, and a power-play goal.
Twas sweet! The game came to an end though, and a night of fun had only just began...came back to the ghost campus of LCC...nearly everyone had already left for spring break...those that chose to stay were gathered in the warehouse to watch a came down to a decision that we needed to go get some, hammer, rachel, travis, kari, and myself all headed to steak n' shake for my second night in a row...shall there be a 3rd??? a 4th??? we shall see....then after a fun filled time there, a quick trip to the happy bridge ended the was sad going to the happy bridge....ironic like that....hadn't been there since d-willy was here....miss that guy, got to really know him last semester and miss him dearly.
That should be all for tonight....gonna go to bed, lots to do during the next few sleep, read, sleep, work, sleep, relax, and sleep some more....until next time.....see ya...

Friday, February 25, 2005

My first would be proud...

Well, i'm finally doing this blog thing and i've been saving up a bunch of stuff to say... started off as a sad day. it started as my sfg was going out to eat and we just so happened to pass the A&W here in lincoln. There was a crew there tearing it apart. THEY WERE TEARING DOWN A&W!!!! Of all things to tear down....why couldn't they go across the street and tear down something like Tropics???? I remember my first time eating here in lincoln when i came to LCC, oh yeah, it was at A&W Root Beer....i went w/ Goody...oh the insanity....later on in the evening, i found out that they are simply remodeling A&W! God has shined down on this little town and is blessing us all. I will be the fist in line when it will be an amazing event and could change the lives of dozens that go there

So the day was starting off bad, until we got to our destination, the little place next to wal-mart...the infamous Lynn Laughlin paid for our amazing meal. After the meal, and a moment of silence, we were back on campus and i went on and stuffed every little mailbox on campus with our flyers for worldvieweyes. i now have a new found respect for whoever would go and stuff those boxes with a mass was nice though, i could hear peoples' reactions to seeing the flyer as i stuffed the remaining boxes....twas nice to hear a positive reaction out of people and to know that it is going to be a huge success...or so i hope... was alright today, got a huge break on finding equipment for trippin'...
tonight i spent an amazing time in front of the TV to watch the best show of our time....The O.C. oh the drama and none of it is in my life, so that makes it that much more enjoyable!

To continue on in the night, I had already agreed to go to steak n' shake after some friends got done with some indoor soccer. well, about 11 tonight, i decide to call them up and be like, what the crap?....where ya at....little did i know that rachel had gone to the e.r. for her ankle. she hurt it during soccer and so i decided to check and find out how bad it was. I call up pim and she asked if i could bring out some crutches for rachel... it was squeaky to the rescue and i got those crutches...when i arrived at the wonderful hospital of lincoln, i was greeted by kellie, pim, and allie sitting there as rachel was going crazy. her ankle looked pretty bad and the evidently gave her a nice shot of darvaset...i think that is how you spell it....lets just say, it was a really nice drug, cause she was out of was rather funny...a few hospital minutes later...translation...a half hour later, pim, rachel and i headed to steak n' shake as previously planned. there was a clan of lcc people there and who would have anticipated anything but that...
about an hour later, we came back, and now i sit here wishing i could get that extra pill she had so i could just feel loopy for the next few hours. honestly, i could use it, the stress level with work and life has been crazy enough...just happy to know that spring break is upon us all, only 12 hours and i'll be done w/ classes and ready to work for the next week! not only will i be working, but getting to learn logic pro 7...wonderful recording software that will allow me to do so much in the world of recording and will be a nightmare, but i will get through it...

now i must go and study for a test, i'm so excited......
i hope you have enjoyed this first blog of mine, there will be many more for you to comment on and tell me how crazy i am with the things that i do, untill next time....