Saturday, November 25, 2006


well, the holiday season is here.
star story #1
thanksgiving consited of me going to my grandma & grandpa Behrens (mom side) and staying there from Wed. to Fri morning. Now they happen to live outside of Hannibal a bit so the city lights are very few. Much fewer than anywhere in St. after hanging out at Jeremy's, it was around 3:30am when i got to my grandparent's house. I noticed that something that i had missed in quite awhile...stars....they were so bright and so many of made me almost miss living in the country.

star story #2
I sat in Picasso's today to type out my sermon. I had encountered many different people throughout the afternoon and on into the evening. None were quite as attractive as the group of ladies that sat at the round table across from me. They looked familur and if our pathes ever cross again, i'm sure it'll be a true blessing...anyways...there was this one couple who really got me ticked off tonight....It was around 7ish when there was a couple that came in and sat next to me at a table. Before I knew it, the guy was yelling at the lady. I'm not talking about a joking yell either. He was yelling and pointing his finger in her face. I don't know how long they had been argueing, but it got to the point that I could hear him yelling at her over the music on my iPod. I was sort of in an awkward situation. Cause they were rather distracting i was getting kind of uncomfortable because at this point it was just me and this other couple in the coffee here is where i was in a predictament. My laptop power cord was plugged into a power strip behind their table, which means that if i wanted to leave, i would have to ask them to unplug it. With this guy yelling, i don't know if interupting would have beent the smartest i turn my iPod up louder thinking i'll just try to block it all out....but he keeps getting louder and you can tell by now that this lady is feeling rather uncomfortable and wanting to leave. Finally she does. except he gets up and pulls her to him and gives her an awkward hug. she then left and it was time for me to leave, cause by now i had managed to finish my sermon. so i politely ask the guy to unplug my power cord for me and he was in the fakest happiest mood anyone has ever put on. he could have won an oscar....

thats it...

and here are a few funny quotes from my Grandparents while at home.

Grandma "now you all be sure to tell Lyndsey good job on everything she did cause we worked hard on this all day"
Me "well what all did she help with?"
Grandma "the rolls, green-bean salad, the yams, and the veggie tray"
Grandpa "so what the hell did you even do in here all day? Lyndsey cooked damn near all of our food for us"

Grandpa "Josh you coming back up here soon?"
Me "yeah, in a few weeks"
Grandpa "well i hope it's sooner than that, you know Grandma only feeds me when you kids come to visit"
Grandma "hey, thats not true"
Grandpa "oh so you expect him to believe your lies over mine?"


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