Friday, October 20, 2006

1642 miles later....

it was a road trip that will go down in the books...3 interns, a rental car, and 7 churches to visit in 4 days...

for starters, i was driving the first part of the trip...and on our way out of st. louis, we saw the arch and there went the arch, except, we were still in missouri...yeah, i missed the exit to leave st. louis...

once we stopped in Mt. Vernon for lunch, Joe started to drive, now we are to be heading south east, towards Atlanta...i then noticed the Welcome to Indiana sign...again, we went about an hour out of our way, it was a more scenic route anyways...

basically, we went to Atlanta, GA...visited North Point Community Church on Sunday morning, where I got to hear Andy Stanly preach...then traveled up to Lexington, visit Southland Christian Church...beautiful horse country (KY, not the church)...then we made our way to Lousiville, KY, to visit Southeast Christian Church, where I got to see my fiance...then up to New Albany to visit NorthSide Christian Church...I got to see Andy Clark (same sock-hat...same blinding smile) Then we traveled up to Indy, where we visited East 91st, Kingsway, and Indian Creek Christian Church...

Each night consisted of getting to watch the Cardinals make their way through the NLCS...(which now i'm trying to decide how much is too much to spend on a World Series ticket)

I learned many things on this trip, about ministry and about myself. I got to see more and hear more and learn more about ministry than I ever could in a class. I realized how small of a world it is when you step out there into ministry. There are people I ran into that I'm connected to in more ways than one...

I found this trip to be a very good pivoting point in my ministry. I have received some amazing wisdom and knowledge from those that have been in ministry for quite awhile. It was amazing and I'm now looking at what I can do to better prefect the ministry that I am currently involved in. now i sit here...1642 miles later...ready to see how far God will take me next...or if he'll even take me very far at matter where he takes me, i'm ready to continue to do what He's been teaching me and getting me ready for...


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