Saturday, December 09, 2006

Hunt....Josh Hunt

So i had recently gone to see the new James Bond movie and after pondering on how amazing i would be to actually be James Bond, i think he's a pretty cool guy. I mean, lets be honest, Bond is a stud and flat out has some pretty amazing gadgets...his amazing one-liners and very quick wit is hilarious. So now i sit here thinking of how sweet it is when Bond says his infamous line....Bond, James Bond....and how flippn' sweet it would sound if I would just walk up to someone and say...the names Hunt, Josh Hunt....okay, so maybe it wouldn't be as great, but it does roll off the tounge....
Although, if you've seen the new movie, i think i would fail in playing the roll of Bond when the torturing would take place...i'll stop there...because i doubt if i'd be able to survive one minute...or one swing...of what Bond went through...
...but being Bond would have it's all of the cool suits and cars he well as the amazing chase scenes and fight scenes....i mean, i didn't want to brag, but i did sort of teach him everything he with that in mind...the names Hunt, Josh Hunt...


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